Follow me on Facebook William G. McCray III and with William G. McCray III on Twitter @WilliamGMcCray and Instagram @SirWilliamGMcCrayIII to keep up on the latest! Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Close to three weeks ago we received an e-mail that has been buzzing in the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC). It seems to give some alleaged insight into Earl Carter’s background and supporters. It is a well know fact that Obnoxious Media tried to remain quite on this topic for as long as we could and only responded when Sir William G. McCray, III, President and CEO of Obnoxious Media was attacked for no reason. Earl has launched a diabolical attack on Bishop Blake and the Church Of God In Christ. In his YouTube clips he allegedly shares all this information of wrongdoing, but provides no facts or one person to stand with him on camera. There have been rumored of some of his alleaged supporters, who are all disgruntlal members of the church have some ax to grind with the church or the presiding bishop. We will call the roll and give you names, dates, times, places, and their reasons for being disgruntlal.
Members of the Obnoxious Street Committee have submitted the e-mail you will find below at least 15 times. This the same e-mail Sir Wiliam was accused by Earl of writing and distributing to all the COGIC bishops. However, everyone knows we do not throw rocks and hide out hand. Please now that this e-mail is rumor and conjecture, we at Obnoxious Media do know know if it is true, but it has been brought to our attention. Earl Carter has been married three times and arrested on domestic violence charges. According to Thomas Cross he is not friends with or know Earl Carter personally, but only stated what alleagedly Dr. Peter Gomes told him during a heated argument. During close to a two hour conversation with Sir William, Cross stated that if he was still in COGIC he would vote for Bishop Blake to be presiding bishop again. He admitted that he sold the church he was pastoring in Virginia and felt he was within his right and did not have to ask anyone for permission to sell the church. He also admitted that he was not married the woman he passed off as the First Lady of his church in Virginia when she was actually his whore that he was shackin with prior to moving to Boston.
It has been rumored that Bishop Nathaniel Wyoming Wells, General Board Member, is secretly supporting Earl Carter. It is a well known fact that Bishop Wells is opposition to Bishop Blake and even was said to have considered running against three years ago and might just do it this year. It seems the strategy may be to destroy Bishop Blake’s Steller reputation in an attempt to unseat him. However, Wells would be thought to have more compassion considering the rumors about his daughter’s sexuality that resides in Washington, DC. and his brother, who pleaded guilty to child molestion and currently in prison. Bishop Wells may be getting accused of supporting Earl due to his having him preach a so called deliverance service at his church were Andrew Caldwell (infamous “I’m not Gay no more) made an appearance.
Lastly, Brian Carn gave Earl $3,000 in cash in the lobby of the Marriot Hotel after he was told by a mutual friend how difficult of a time Earl and Beverly were having financially. Now it is time for the men of the church to do what the Bible says and choose Ye this day who you are going to serve! If you support a man that is trying to kill our presiding bishop the you are against him. You must be for him or against him and there is not time for anything in-between. Either you are for Bishop Blake or aganist period. Any pastor and/or bishop that allows Carn to come preach knowing he supported Earl is aganist Blake period. Now Obnoxious Media has received a number of calls that Brian say it is not true, but we know for a fact that he did give it to him and if necessary names of witnesses will be revealed became as Earl says this is war. The is a old Pentacostal song that says there is a war going on and you better fight! Since Earl declared war on the church we are ready to do battle.
According to three female members of our Obnoxious Street Committee Beverly Flowers moved to Atlanta in 1980 and joined the Cathedral of Faith COGIC. It is known fact that Cathedral, the old Jones Avenue has always had a large number of members that enjoyed sex with the same sex. Now Obnoxious Media is not saying that Beverly Flowers was a practicing lesbian, but it is common knowledge she was good friends with a number of when that were gay then and still at today. Beverly Flowers had some challenges that forced her to return home to Florida and when the friends of her’s say she resurfaced she was married to Earl Carter and had two children. Her old girlfriends were in utter shock at Beverly’s marriage and new life. If these allegations are true Earl should not have issue with anyone.
Now get to reading the e-mail below:
From: Earl Carter <>
Date: November 20, 2015 at 9:42:55 PM CST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Earl Carter has been married 3 times
Earl Carter has been arrested for domestic assault and aggravated assault as recently as 2008
Earl Carter has a history of beating his wife
Earl Carter is a bisexual who has had extramarital relationships with MEN and women
Earl Carter had an illicit relationship with a bishop in New England back when he lived in Hartford, CT
Earl Carter had an illicit relationship with Thomas Cross, the preacher who lied about Peter Gomes telling him he had an affair with the Presiding Bishop
Thomas Cross sold his church out from under his small congregation, stole the money and moved to Virginia
Thomas Cross married a woman in Virginia under the premise that he was a retired Harvard professor. He was still married to his wife in Boston and had only worked for a temp agency as a janitor at Harvard.
Thomas Cross was sued by the members of his former church for selling their building and stealing the money
Thomas Cross was indicted on bigamy charges
Earl Carter’s “doctorate” is from a diploma mill pay for paper basement “seminary/” He doesn’t even have a high school diploma let alone a college degree (not a bachelors, masters or doctorate
Earl Carter has lost 3 churches as a result of sexual infidelity and/or fighting
Earl Carter received 1000 a month from Superintendent Derrick Hutchins for preaching at his church once a month. He fell out with Hutchins when he preached him on a weekday instead of a Sunday and gave him less than $1000. After accepting Hutchin’s help to supplement his lifestyle, Carter stabbed him the back and began to berate him and lie on him.
Earl Carter has told lies on Bishop Charles Blake, Bishop Joel Lyles, Bishop Thomas Holsey, Bishop Patrick Wooden, Bishop J.H. Sheard, Bishop Talbert Swan, Elder David Wright, and many others through a series of YouTube videos where he castigates the Presiding Bishop and leaders of the church.
Earl Carter has told lies about the Board of Bishops and all newly consecrated bishops and accused them of bribing their way to elevation
Earl Carter has started a new church in a hotel at age 65. He has less than 10 members and continues a legacy of failed pastoral leadership
Earl Carter couldn’t afford his hotel stay and his room in the Marriott was secured and paid for by General Board member Bishop Nathaniel Wells.
Bishop Nathaniel Wells, General Board Member – Bishop Wells had Carter and Andrew Caldwell as guests at his church last January, AFTER Carter had already begun his smear campaign against the Presiding Bishop.
Bishop Wells was also behind Andre Johnson and his lawsuit against the National Church. He supplemented Earl Carter’s trip the Holy Convocation and has consistently worked behind the scenes to undermine the Presiding Bishop.
Bishop Wells was also the General Board member who leaked a letter from Bishop Brandon Porter to Earl Carter and has periodically leaked information to bloggers and others in an attempt to cast aspersions on the Presiding Bishop.
Earl Carter referenced not being able to get or pay for his room in one of his YouTube videos and noted that someone was led of the Lord to pay for his expenses – that someone is Bishop Wells.
Earl Carter also noted that every General Board member was “on the take, except Bishop Nathaniel Wells.” Why would he single out ONLY Bishop Wells? Because Bishop Wells is one of his main supporters.
Elder Lovett continuously provides advice and support to Earl Carter and feeds information. He manipulates his close ties to Bishop Jerry Macklin to appear neutral or supportive, but also to get information to leak or to write opinion columns that criticize church leadership. Elder Lovett continues to represent himself as the COGIC Ecumenical Officer although he holds no such position.
Earl Carter referred to Elder Lovett in one of his videos where he questioned why Bishop J. Delano Ellis received funding for his role as Commissioner of Chaplains but Leonard Lovett “can’t even get $6000 as the Ecumenical Officer.”
Elder Johnson, unlike Wells and Lovett, has been out in the open about his support of Carter. He has written letters castigating the Presiding Bishop and the General Church and has boldly stood his ground regardless of how misguided he is.
“Prophet Brian Carn” assisted Earl Carter during the Holy Convocation by giving him $3000 cash to help him get through the week in St Louis. In addition he committed to sow into his ministry on a monthly basis. Please keep in mind, many of you have opened your doors to Carn. Think twice about continuing to open your doors to one who has vowed to support a man hell bent on destroying the COGIC and its leadership.
Meet Earl and Beverly Carters‘ children. Why should his family escape while he attacks other people and their families. Now let’s see what all has to be said about them!