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Obnoxious Breaking News……Bishop Stephen B. Hall has died!
It is with the greatest sadness that I share the news that at 5:16pm today, my husband, Bishop Stephen B. Hall, transitioned to heaven.
God answered our prayers today by not allowing him to suffer. But the truth is, He has been answering our prayers all along. My husband lived beyond medical expectations, not once, but over and over again. HE WAS A FIGHTER!!!! And we are thankful for the time God has allowed.
Thank you SO MUCH for praying for him through this entire journey. Your daily prayers kept him fighting. I will forever be grateful of how YOU have encircled us with your love, prayers, and support.
While we know the coming days will be most challenging, right now we are grateful for the life and love of a man who planted seeds that will bear fruit for generations to come. GOD IS GOOD!
Thank you for your continued prayers for our family and our church as we grieve, and also for your patience as we finalize our plans to honor his amazing life.
At this, please allow our family a moment with each other before calling. We love you all so much and are so grateful for you.