Pastor George Matthews
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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……The questionable at best George Matthews is going to be Consecrated as a Bishop. The man that has been fired twice by Bishop Bod Jackson who, was accused of child Molestion and the list goes on and on. The versatile gay man that practically made he office at Eastmont Mall an after hours Sex club for men he would hook up with on Jack’d. The list goes on and on with this manand his low down evil ways that allows him to constantly land on his feet. Money is the name of the game and George does not mind paying to get what he wants even they lying Testimony of one of his ex-wives. He even bought a Spiritual Father in the Bay Area with a car. Well it is over George and Obnoxious Media has a long list of your ways that need to be called out and publicly rebuked. He left his church to take a job at Acts and did not last a year. You were out smarted by Alina White, a female that you fired. However, George had no idea she she went on your mobile devices and screenshots all of your naughty behavior and took it to Bishop Bob Jackson, who had to fire you for the second time. Bishop Bob had to tell you to hit the road Jack.
It seems he must have something on Bishop Bod Jackson for him to have take the risk of almost destroying his church to hire one man. George left his church and another pastor from Richmond, California also in the Jurisdiction combined his church with the members of Genesis that did not want to go with you to Acts stayed now he is outed. What kind of Homosexual Sleaze Bag is George Matthews to do such things? So this dude wants to be a Bishop but is more like a serious Bitch than anything. After you have used and played yourself with everyone and your last catastrophic exit from Acts was so bad Bob Jackson had to get Bishop Jerry Wayne Macklin to tame you. Bishop Israel Marrone (the reformed notorious Lamar Brown) has recommended you to be made an Auxiliary Bishop, which is nothing more than a title in his organization. Obviously there has been some back door deal cut between the two of you that he would even put his name out there for you to be bishop.
Obnoxious Media made sure Peter’s Rock doors were closed, Timothy Monaghan closed down and moved back home to Alabama, and more were exposed and now we will turn our attention on you. When Obnoxious Media is finished not even an alternative organization will give you a covering. Call Yvette Flunder and see if she will take you in because soon you will have no where to go!
If you have any information on George Matthews and his freaky ways we want to hear from you!
Read the following post is our original story on the Bay Area Gay Mafia article below:
Busted! Bay Area Pastors And Elders Outed For Having Threesomes–Elder Brian Bingham And Pastor Wiley Thomas Gay Sexual Escapades Exposed–Screenshots Of Text Messages, Facebook Messages, Graphic Nude Photos, And Proof Of The Allegations Of Male Lovers–WARNING PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED OF AN ADULT NATURE ENTER AT UOUR OWN RISK!!!
Follow me on Twitter @WilliamGMcCray and Instagram @SirWilliamGMcCrayIII to keep up on the latest!
Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Obnoxious Readers you all are going to so upset with me to know I have sat on this story for a year now. Those of you that read and follow my blog know I posted a story on Pastor Bobby Smith in the Bay Area that peeled back like an onion. The layers is actually amazing and best described by Dion Evans as a Black Gay Clergy Mafia. This theory at first sounded crazy at best, but once we began to dig into the connections of various pastors and preachers it actually made very good and practical sense. According to Evans there are seven methods used by these gay preachers and pastors in the Bay Area to entrap young guys, but it seems more than obvious that some of these guys are going after these older men to entrap them and climb on the church as sick as it sounds.
Bobby Smith had in-boxed me on Facebook about two young men that he called sons having an alleged affair, yet wanted to start their own ministries. As if living right before God means anything anymore Wiley Thomas and Cameron Kirk admitted their relationship and even said the only reason Bobby was upset was because he was not involved in their sexual rumps in his house. Somehow Child Protective Services visited Wiley Thomas home about his allegedly touching a boy cousin. However, the clever Wiley sold Bobby out to get the heat off him and even said his former pastor (that he loved like a father monster him as well).
A huge mess and a bunch of guys sexing each other and outing the next when they did not get what they wanted. Obnoxious Media is not sure what came of the investigation, but it is time to reveal the truth members of the Obnoxious Street Committee shared last year.
According to Derrius Skinner, who claims to be the cousin of R&B singer Keyshia Cole, he and Elder Brian Bingham were involved in a brief relationship and often would hook up and have sex in the Oakland Hills off of Skyline Boulevard. Bingham at the time was the Youth President in his jurisdiction of the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC) and Regional Vice President to the National Youth Department. Obviously Skinner was dumb to be so easily influenced to have sex in car with Bingham to climb in the church and get opportunities to preach. So many promises never made good and after loosing interest in Derrius, he began to get extremely angry with his alleged former lover Brian. After one of their late Sunday Night love making sessions Derriustook Brian’s phone and made quick screenshots of proof that he was not the only guy Brian was allegedly sexing.
Now here is when the story gets interesting! According to the screenshots provided to Obnoxious Media by Derrius Skinner that he says he took directly from Bingham’s phone proves that he and Wiley Thomas, pastor of Higher Dimensions Church Of The Living God, were allegedly having threesomes with other young guys and it set Derrius off. Somehow a fake Facebook page was created to expose Brian and his affairs, but Derrius to this day denies he had anything to do with it. However, all of the same screenshots posted to that page are the same ones he sent to Obnoxious Media prior to the page being created on Facebook. Skinner in a attempt to prove to Obnoxious Media he was telling truth he shared Bingham and Thomas‘ Social Security Numbers, which got our attention. A person has got to be close to you to get access to your personal information such as your SS#!
Brian Bingham has always come off with a self righteous attitude that has created a number of enemies for the elder. His fast climb in the church came to a quick holt when he was accused of pocketing money from his jurisdictional youth department. As a result of the allegations Bingham stepped down as regional Vice President to the National Youth Department. However, none of his personal issues prohibited him from single handedly trying to destroy Pastor Cornell Wheeler. Rumor has it that Bingham and his dear friend at the time Renee Winston actually called a meeting with a local bishop to have Wheelerremoved form his church. Bingham claimed Wheeler was expecting twins by a member of his church that have yet to be born. All the while Bingham did this he knew he was allegedly involved with a number of young guys.
Many preachers in the Bay Area have been wondering why did my one time friend and business associate Dion Evans abruptly stop his reporting. Well, in short here is your answer. The Bay Area is a small community and everyone knows each other regardless of denomination. Brian Bingham was once an on air personality at the Internet radio station Evans owned and he felt obligated to protect Brain and also cover Wiley so he stopped his work. However, the truth deserves to be exposed. Stop lying and hiding behind a title in church to not live in your own truth that ultimately comes out anyway. It yet remains to be seen what becomes of these investigations and if any of these guys were actually minors when they were having sex.
Read Renee Winston’s Facebook post about the matter and a screenshot of Bingham and Thomas‘ conversation about her going to the authorities along with nude photos of Bingham and Thomas allegedly sent to Skinner below:
Below are seven methods of grooming according to Dion Evans:
Young people all over the world, regardless of ethnicity, are prone to being materialistic and self-centered. It is a part of the fabric of adolescents and only maturity will graduate their adolescent minds away from either.
The Black Gay Clergy Mafia understands, in part, the psychology of young people. Most of these men have developed “youth ministries” to guarantee they have direct knowledge of the issues important to the youth and – especially for those young boys they’ve targeted.
When youth are shown attention from an authority figure or someone of stature in the community, they begin to develop notions of “being special” or that they are somehow now connected with a “celebrity.” Make no mistake about it, for most youth; associating themselves with the Senior Clergyman in their local assembly is in some ways their first access to a “celebrity” and the predators know this!
The Seven Key areas, also known as attentions, which will follow, define some of the ways Predatory Gay Clergy gain access to young Black boys and subsequently use this access for sexual assault.
Gaining Attention with Purchasing Gifts – Because many of the YBB come from troubled poverty stricken homes and living environments, gifts – especially expensive ones – is sure fire bait. As unfathomable as it may sound, even family members will consider expensive gifts in exchange for disabling their discernment. In many cases, the BGCM is providing gifts to the family, especially those the parent could not otherwise financially afford.
Gaining Attention with Visiting Churches – Often with this new found attention the YBB accompanies the Pastor to a visiting Church that the rest of the General Church body has not been invited to attend. In many cases, the Pastor requests the YBB to attend a service for which he is not even on program. The primary intent is to isolate the YBB from their parents, many times keeping the young boy beyond reasonable hours all in an effort to gain advantage of the YBB ability to spend the night for the evening, without his knowledge or consent. In some cases the parent consents to their child spending the night without even questioning the child as to if they even desire to spent the night. Once this act has occurred, and the parental ok has been given to spend the night, the child is in deep trouble!
Gaining Attention with Overnight Trips – Once the BGCM has gained the trust of the custodial parent they begin to plan overnight trips. These all-expense paid trips often are cloaks to enable his next level of attack. The usual excuse for the request is that they are in need of an “armor bearer’s” company or some other term for an Assistant.
Parents are sometimes hesitant to give the “ok” for their child to attend these trips but in an effort to not appear ungrateful, they allow them, imagining their child is in no danger. What’s most damaging is that the parent never seems to address the desired consents of sexual predators with their sons outside of the listening ear of the predatory pastor. “The Pastor wouldn’t touch my son – would he?” Truth told, during this phase, most parents don’t give it a second thought making the BGCM one step closer to his ultimate conquest. This parental lack of communication and over trusting of the Pastor places the YBB at an even escalated risk of sexual attack.
Gaining Attention with Special Accommodations in the Home – One of the signs that a YBB is being groomed for sexual assault is the special private room accommodation at the Pastor’s private home. This is especially concerning when the Pastor is a single man. However, don’t allow yourself to excuse the Pastors with wives. For many of these married men have a room that is stationed away from the Master Bedroom. Some have second homes or apartments. When the sexual assault begin to manifested, many of these escapades will take place while the wife is outside of the home. Unfortunately, a few wives have stumbled home early to catch their Pastor-Husband sleeping with a young boy from the Church.
Gaining Attention with Cash – Again, many of the YBB come from families that are extremely impoverished or financially unable to spend too much money on their child(ren). The member of the Black Gay Clergy Mafia has a plan for that too – cash, and plenty of it. In some cases, the Predatory Pastor takes a handful of cash from the collection plate and hands it all over to the YBB for his own usage. Overwhelmed by the money – called “keeping money in your pockets” – the BGCM gets the attention of the YBB and does so quickly. During these sorts of situations the YBB learns two things almost by osmosis – One, hide your money from every and anyone and, Two, don’t tell anyone about it. Agreeing to the unspoken gift of cash the platform is established for making the YBB his prey and subject to the predator’s financial schemes.
Gaining Attention with Pastoral Vehicle – Most members of the BGCM have lavish vehicles. Often these vehicles are placed into the hands of the YBB who is able to drive. What 17 year old doesn’t want to floss their neighborhood streets in a brand spanking new BMW SUV, Mercedes or spit shining Range Rover? These youth become the envy of all their friends and this new found attention causes them a social form of acceptance they are not too quick or willing to give up.
Gaining Attention with Private Cellphones – Many urban families can’t afford the high-end Smartphones. Yet, many young Black boys are miraculously receiving these expensive phones and to boot without ever having to pay the bill. The bill is being paid by the local church’s tithes and offering. The YBB typically has no knowledge of this and doesn’t care to. Remember, at this age the young boy is very self-centered and materialistic and the BGCM knows that and will use this to their advantage in the near future.
The BGCM needs to always maintain power and control over the Young Black Boy’s sexuality. One of the ways they ensure their control remains is with the misuse of the bible regarding their sexual activity, all except what is occurs between them and the pastor. In essence the pastor manipulates the YBB by pointing them to the bible to ensure they are set aside solely for his sexual purpose.
There are three “Boy Toy Rules” that we will discuss.
One, the discipline of chastity. The YBB who is being groomed must maintain his chastity with women. Therefore the Pastor will completely forbid any access or opportunity for girlfriends. Any potential girlfriend is a threat to all of the BGCM’s “investment” and “grooming.” Once a heterosexual boy gains sexual attraction to a young lady and acts upon it, such an manifestation will make it very hard for the Predatory Pastor to manipulate the YBB any longer.
The potential girlfriends are often spoken of as a threat to the YBB’s future potential or “ministry.” Comments like “she’s walking in the spirit of Jezebel” or “This isn’t the wife God has called for you to have” and/or “If you don’t leave this girl alone I will be forced to tell your parents” – these are just a few of the controlling statements used to keep the YBB from leaning towards his desired female interests.
Two, the discipline of No Homosexual Sex. You might find this one strange, but typically the initial conversations regarding sex for the YBB is to stay away from homosexuality and homosexuals, but why? The reason why is the Predatory Pastor doesn’t want “his YBB” to potentially engage other young boys or men he hasn’t authorized. More on this later.
Third, the discipline of Prayer and Fasting. There is nothing wrong with biblical prayer and fasting, but in the hand of the BGCM this terminology has a different meaning. Although the YBB is instructed to be steadfast in Prayer and Fasting the Predatory Pastor specifically encourages a false sense of indoctrination that is unbiblical. The BGCM tells the YBB to pray about this or fast about that – these promptings only further indoctrinate the YBB into obeying “spiritual commands on demand” while surrendering their personal convictions into the “power of suggestion.” At this point, the YBB can’t yet detect what is going on. They assume they are “just learning how to live holy.”
By this time sex starts to be pressured, the Young Black Boy is already accustom to using terms such as “Father”, “Dad”, “Spiritual Dad” and/or “Spiritual Father.” Also, by this time, it is typical that someone has already suggested or flat out warned the YBB to “be carefu,” but not with any real explanation. Once the YBB feels obligated to openly protect and display natural signs of affection – the stage for pressured sex has been established; the grooming was a success!
When pressured for sex – immediate confusion arises for the YBB who is way too immature to process the magnitude of what’s transpiring. In this pressure filled moment the YBB can develop a mental shift whereby they begin to believe “Maybe I do need to obey this sexual request or suggestion.”
What has happened is what we call “coddling.” Coddling is best understood by the frog cooking illustration. You place the live frog in the pot at room temperature. As the frog adjusts to the temperature of the water, you turn the heat up slightly, making the temperature adjustment virtually undetectable to the frog. After repeatedly making these temperature adjustments the water will eventually come to a boil and by time the frog knows it he is in danger. As the frog makes desperate attempts to jump out – he’ll discover his feet have already begun to stick to the bottom of the pot. HE CANNOT JUMP OUT even though he wants to live.
Boys are already sexually curious at very young ages. When the BGCM begins to introduce guilt trips upon the YBB they will naturally desire to please their “dad.” This desire to “please” allows the predator to continue to enact greater pressure upon the child. The YBB is indoctrinated to believe that it is natural for them “minister to the needs of the Pastor” in the form of sex. Although the interaction isn’t classified as homosexual sex because the Pastor does not identify himself as homosexual. The YBB becomes so confused that he is overwhelmed by the request of his “dad” and gives in. He becomes like the frog in the boiling water.
If the YBB continues to hesitate or ask questions regarding morality the member of the BGCM will begin to recount the running list of “things” they have provided the YBB with. Additionally, many then threaten to withdraw future financial support, material gifts, access to vehicles and other provisions established for the YBB and which the YBB has warmly received. In some cases, the member of the BGCM will threaten the YBB with curses from God and threaten them with the conversations about hell. Not biblically grounded, the YBB is forced to believe what they are being fed, eventually giving in.
At this point we are witnessing the Predatory Pastor using the area of Attention to establish why the YBB needs to agree with his sexual advances which, in many cases, is actually sexual assault and or molestation. By law, these acts should 100% of the time manifest an removal from the Pulpit, Arrest, Conviction and Sentencing. However, oftentimes it all goes unreported.
You will find, typically two types of categories the YBB are placed in once they have experienced their first sexual act with the BGCM – Trade Boys and King’s Booty.
Trade Boys are boys collected by the BGCM for the purposes of moving sexual favors from personal satisfaction to trading these young boys with other BGCM members. Trade Boys are often used a bargaining chips and displays of power amongst other BGCM members. In a real sense it is a form of Sex Trafficking in the style of “finesse pimping.” The only difference is money is not always exchanged, but something is always gained for the individual member of the Black Gay Clergy Mafia.
Often these BGCM members will meet at special locations (house or hotel) for a “party” where sometimes drinking and drugs are provided. In some cases, there is no drinking or drugs, but there are always YBB’s. As the YBBs – who are Trade Boys – find themselves at these “parties” they also find they are pressured by different members of the BGCM for sex. By this time, their “Dad” has usually disappeared and the YBB is then almost obligated to comply to the sexual needs of other men.
After this process, the YBB, who is a Trade Boy, is comforted by the BGCM and provided with more access to gifts and money in exchange for keeping secrets and complying with future requests. However, the YBB’s secret is never safe. Often Trade Boys turn into opportunists and con artists placing their lives in jeopardy at the hands of some incredibly powerful men.
King’s Booty Boys are like their female counterparts “King’s Meat.” These particular boys are the unofficial “FIRST LADIES” of the BGCM. They are the BGCM member’s favorites and aren’t allowed to be sexually involved with anyone else nor are they to share the secrets of their Predatory Pastor with anyone. They can’t even be involved with girls or other King’s Booty Boys or Trade Boys, they are kept in complete isolation. The King’s Booty Boys are beholden only to their “dads”. Many of them develop a form of Stockholm Syndrome and will never turn or disobey their BGCM.