Roderick Rodell Murray Arrested For Beating Up His Sister-In-Law Christina Murray!!!
Drug Dealers And Killers Strike Again……Well, we told you that the Murray Brothers married two sisters and both of the couples have split. Seems this has been going on for awhile and Antony and Christina might have been divorced as of October of last year. It seems Christina went to see her sister and got into it with her brother-in-law, Roderick Rodell Murray when things got heated and he jumped Christina and his wife tried to stop him and got so upset she had a seizure and landed the two sisters in the emergency room. Roderick was arrested and bonded out and is awaiting trial, but has no date to appear before the judge yet. According to the Douglass County Superior Court Clearks office this will not be on the court calendar this year.
Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Rumor has it that Anthony and Christina Murray of Oasis Church in Dallas, Georgia are divorced!
Seems the couple parted ways not long ago and have been keeping quite until recently. According to members of our Obnoxious Street Committee close to the situation. The very good friend of Keion Henderson is rumored to have a double life that is getting the best of him. He like his good friend put his now ex-wife on a gag order to keep her from discussing the ugly split. However, we are getting reports that Christina was jumped by her brother in law. Anthony and his brother married two sisters, but it is serious trouble in paradise.
Christina is said to have been the backbone of the ministry and the reason Oasis is a multicultural church.
This story is yet developing……