Follow me on Facebook William G. McCray III and with William G. McCray III on Twitter @WilliamGMcCray, Instagram @SirWilliamGMcCrayIII, Periscope @SirWilliamGMcCrayIII to watch my live viedos and to keep up on the latest!!!
This week there will be a special meeting going on in the city of Atlanta hosted by yours truly. The Gathering of the Prophets promises to be life changing. Three dynamic speakers are coming in all have the gift of prophecy and a anointed speakers. You did not want to miss this revival!
Read the article by our friends at Joy105 on this awesome meeting below:
William McCray is certainly no stranger in the Black Church. For six plus years, McCray, at the helm of Obnoxious Media has exposed and leaked some of the biggest stories in the church, from megachurches to humbly grown ministries. However, many are not aware that the ordained elder has a true passion for spiritual leadership.
McCray is hosting a prophetic conference that promises to be nothing less than life changing. The controversial critic will bring together three of the greatest voices of the Millennials. You do not want to miss this move of God. Plus get the unique opportunity of hearing Elder McCray himself live and direct!
Gathering Of The Prophets October 25-28, 2017 at Higher Dimensions Church in Decatur.
McCray has joined forces with a longtime friend and brother, Apostle Kevin Nick. The two men of God were actually ordained in the same class. Not afraid to co-host the launch of a conference that promises to be impactful and allow some of the most profound voices of this generation that are well on the rise. Amen to that!
Just In!
Tiffany Boone, lead singer with Ricky Dilliard and New G, will be singing tonight at The Gathering of the Prophets! You do not want to miss hearing her tonight!