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Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Morehouse Brother and friend Kenneth Moales, Jr. is in need of our help and support in preserving his father’s legacy. The late Bishop Kenneth Moales gave his life to build this work and did not live six months after the mega church Cathedral of The Holy Spirit was built. Now in the hands of his son, Kenneth Moales, Jr., who is not the pastor, has dedicated himself to keep his father’s work alive. Kenny is asking all his friends and those that will support to donate $20 to go towards the $150,000 needed by Monday. It is not to late!
Religious leaders in Bridgeport announced Saturday that one of the biggest churches in the city is shutting down next week.Church officials say the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit on Union Avenue is in foreclosure and the bank will take possession of the building. According to former Bishop Kenneth Moales’ wife, the church is in need of $150,000 by Monday to keep the bank from foreclosing on the church.
Officials say, as it stands now, the bank is scheduled to take possession of the church and shut it down in a matter of days.
The shutdown means that not only will the church’s doors close for good, but so will its many programs that support the community.
Local leaders allege the bank involved has a well-established history of engaging in predatory lending practices and in foreclosing on a disproportionate number of minority churches across the region.
Officials say the church’s founder, Bishop Moales, had a reputation worldwide as an ecclesiastical visionary who worked for decades to build consensus and credibility in the African-American community. When he died in 2010, President Barack Obama even noted him for his spiritual leadership and deep commitment to serving people in need.East End leader Ernie Newton, who now leads the parish, says the church is the victim of predatory lending practices by the bank.
“We’re going to ask our state reps and our senators to look into this institution,” Newton said. “From my understanding is in the process on closing on a black church in New Haven, they’ve done it in Houston, they’ve done it all around the country.”
Bishop Moales’ son, Pastor Kenneth Moales, will hold a special service at the church Monday at 6 p.m. to explain the situation to parishioners and any members of the public who would like to attend.
The bank did not respond to News 12’s request for comment.