Everything Is Going Down, But The Word Of God……Moses Tyson has sent Obnoxious Media an update to the meeting at Williams Temple Monday Night. It seems fair to say their has still been no resolution and they are going to wait 90 days before the allow Carter to start as pastor of the church. Plus more on Rufus Kyles.
From: Moses Tyson Jr
Sent: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 7:58 AM
To: Bishop Lemuel F. Thuston
Cc: bishoprljones@comcast.net; bishopcemilton@gmail.com; kurt_thompson@msn.com; lfthuston@gmail.com; maynard202@comcast.net; bishop wells; pabrooks@prodigy.net; pastorjwm@aol.com; kurk_thompson@msn.com; sarge1969@gmail.com; carlunity@aol.com; cicarter@sbcglobal.net; markways@aol.com; Bishop Drew Sheard; watty67@yahoo.com; cewatson@foulston.com; Joel Lyles; rlhenn@aol.com; Dorothy Brice; Doris F. Scott; Rosilind Meeks; Cari Barnes; bishop campbell; bishopbaker2nd@aol.com; bishopdrm@yahoo.com; bishopllshaw2671@gmail.com; RON STIDHAM; shelia tyson; ERIC McADAMS; alexander.e.bernard@gmail.com; hl5928@sbcglobal.net; Darrell L. Hines 2 & Pamela Hines Co-fou Nder Milwaukee WI 5; Norman White; Supt Johnny Tates; Daniels; Timothy Jones; wjbillops2013@gmail.com; Harold Davis; Supt. Harry Allen; Elder Jerry Riggins; Van Johnson; jameswright41@aol.com; Supt. James Elmore; nujuminista@hotmail.com; connor_insurance@msn.com; Revduplessis@hotmail.com; bishoplwooten@sbcglobal.net; lauren manne; wjbillups2013@gmail.com; mildredlinzy@verizon.net; lpastorll@aol.com; Supt. Albert Jackson; bishopdwightgreen@yahoo.com; Enoch Perry, III; galexan916@aol.com; bbporter@bellsouth.net
Dear Bishop Thuston:
I hope you are well. I want to go on record with you sir. The way Houston has been handled is pathetic. It is sad how QUIET the leadership is as it relate to just the way “Bishop Porter” is NOT following the spirit of the letter that Bishop Blake sent to Williams Temple giving Pastor Carter his 90 day provisional appointment. To my understanding he is not being allowed to speak until 4th Sunday of this month. Bishop Thompson has been REJECTED multiple times and YET Bishop Porter is forcing him on the people. It’s wrong and this type of abusive bullying leadership must be identified and hopefully challenged by the MEN of that congregation or WOMEN if necessary. No one man should be able to do this in a non profit organization. The people have RIGHTS that clearly some of our elected Officials ignores.
Now, he is trying to THROW UP an emergency State Convention or something for Texas Southeast 1rst Jurisdiction? Their meeting should have already taken place when it was suppose to.No sir, he was too busy trying to build up the fellowships that may not even be affirmed in November? Not to mention there are serious questions as to the legality of the transfers of the various local churches? Remember sir, the local members do have official rights, they may not know it “yet” but they do sir as you well know! Basically, he has tried to “KILL” that state and now to SAVE FACE he is all of the sudden throwing them faithful people a “JIVE BONE”. Come on out and have a convention. Don’t tell me, Bishop Thompson is going to be in “charge”?
Of course had the Board of Bishops restored Bishop Kyles, like he was led to believe would happen when he came to the table to cooperate, all of this phase of the “FOOLISHNESS AND DECEPTION” would be over. Not to mention that Bishop Kyles is yet “illegally” being kept out of his pulpit. Hopefully, he will take the proper measures soon to remedy that situation. At least if he listens to ME all of you will KNOW what the remedy is going to be. Right now, Deacon Jones and some of the people from the late Bishop Patton’s church is YET waiting to get help from the National Church to get back in their building. NO LEADER from the Board of Bishops are even inquiring. It’s sad, its pathetic and such abusive jive behavior by those in charge, who are ignoring the “plight” of them poor people in San Francisco, Ca…. will be confronted and challenged in a much BIGGER ARENA soon. Enough is enough. We need Bishops and leaders in charge who CARE ABOUT THE SAINTS, especially when they reach out for help as a result of “THEIR COLLEAGUES” abusing them. I would challenge the LEADERS of the Board of Bishops to sit with me and YOU as the Chairman of the General Assembly so I can prove the “FECKLESS” and “CARELESS” way, their culture of operations allows and support ABUSE of some of the SAINTS.
Not to mention their failure to put in any serious measures to promote educating the Bishops to educate the Pastors as it relate to “obeying non profit laws”. Again, Deacon Jones is proof that they are not doing that, as the Bishop who has ignored their plight serves as the 1rst Vice Chairman of the Board of Bishops right now. Furthermore, the Board of Bishops top Leadership was aware of the abuse over a year ago via written documentation and even now they are acting like they are “BLIND DEAF AND DUMB”! It’s pitiful Bishop Thuston sir, just pitiful.
Anyway sir, I just wanted to go on record with you as it relate to how sad things are in Houston now due to the Board of Bishops “dropping the PIGEON” on Bishop Kyles, while ignoring the plight of so many of the abused saints by their colleagues, who frankly in my opinion should be stripped of their chains & rings. My phone was ringing last night continuously as basically a letter was posted on the web site of Texas Southeast 1rst Jurisdiction to meet Bishop Porter at a meeting concerning the plight of their Jurisdiction. But when some of the people got there they were turned away. To add insult to injury, Bishop Porter didn’t even show up. I didn’t think he would though as frankly he knew some people would ask him some serious questions. EVEN Bishop Kyles son who is an Ordained Elder, wasn’t allowed in the office with his father to hear the jive he was going to submit to the brothers over the phone, BUT the other Elder who is basically “illegally” in his father’s local church pulpit was allowed in? That’s wrong and Bishop Porter best be glad I wasn’t there as I would have insisted on Elder Kyles being allowed in the office with his father or they would have had NO meeting as the COPS would have been called in. This is ridiculous and sad.
Bishop Thuston sir, as you can see already sir as evidenced by my mom’s church lawsuit, that others and myself are NOT going to ALLOW this foolishness and bullying to continue without serious consequence. WE DESERVE MUCH BETTER SIR. The church is a non profit organization. How can anyone of any integrity in ministry or just basic “morals” deny an ordained Elder the right to sit in on a meeting concerning the work his father is ” temporarily suspended” in at this point? Also may I remind you sir that Elder Kyles is also a member of the Jurisdiction himself? Again, the letter that announced the meeting didn’t state a “private pastors only meeting”. It’s yet posted on their website. Bishop Porter is “callous” and Bishop Thompson frankly, in my opinion should have shown more respect to Elder Kyles. Licking up behind Bishop Porter is nuts, as Bishop Porter I predict is going to be proven to have been dishonest in Houston and frankly to yet currently, be a “liar” in many respects soon. He is not the only one though, sadly, the Board of Bishops have a “lying spirit” running rampant in their CHAMBER as well. Dad Sheard knows this, Bishop Roger Jones knows this and Bishop Galbraith knows it as well. All of this will be proven sir. I am just patiently waiting sir, on the opportunity to sit with you all so we can go over the evidence. If they continue to “DUCK AND HIDE” the evidence will come out in our Jury Trial. Maybe you can help arrange such a meeting. I think it would be in the best interest of everyone involved. Especially the ABUSED ANTS in our organization.
Anyway, please keep my mom in your prayers and I will continue to keep records in real time as best as I can as the only way we will FLUSH out some of these “SHYSTERS” is by making sure we have written documentation of their abuse and frankly in some cases “PRISON WORTHY CRIMES”. I am confident that ALL of this information is going to be useful as we get adjudication in the appropriate forums, that will help us to get the much needed “CHANGES” for the better in our organization. Bishop Thuston, it hurts to see the comments on Sir William’s blog. He has every right to post letters as they are not private. But its sad to see how we look. What’s even sadder is that “EVERYTHING” I have written is TRUE! I suspect things will get worse before they get better as sadly, some of these little “shysters” don’t know when to get off of the HIGHWAY! They should maybe take a lesson from Bishop Blake. As you can see, He got off of the Highway officially a few months ago. His office wrote a letter to Sis. Meeks affirming that Bishop Porter was sent to Houston by the General Board and all inquiries were to be directed to him. Then, the Board of Bishops had the chance to clean up the wreckage off of the tracks in Houston by “lifting his suspension” as he was led to believe would happen, but they THREW HIM OUT OF THE MEETING DURING AIM. SO AIN’T NO NEED IN ANYBODY TRYING TO PIN THIS TRAIN WRECK ON BISHOP BLAKE.
Moses Tyson, Jr
From: Moses Tyson Jr
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 8:16 PM
To: bbporter@bellsouth.net
Cc: bishoprljones@comcast.net; bishopcemilton@gmail.com; kurt_thompson@msn.com; lfthuston@gmail.com; maynard202@comcast.net; bishop wells; pabrooks@prodigy.net; pastorjwm@aol.com; kurk_thompson@msn.com; sarge1969@gmail.com; carlunity@aol.com; cicarter@sbcglobal.net; markways@aol.com; Bishop Drew Sheard; watty67@yahoo.com; cewatson@foulston.com; Joel Lyles; rlhenn@aol.com; Dorothy Brice; Doris F. Scott; Rosilind Meeks; Cari Barnes; bishop campbell; bishopbaker2nd@aol.com; bishopdrm@yahoo.com; bishopllshaw2671@gmail.com; RON STIDHAM; shelia tyson; ERIC McADAMS; alexander.e.bernard@gmail.com; hl5928@sbcglobal.net; Darrell L. Hines 2 & Pamela Hines Co-fou Nder Milwaukee WI 5; Norman White; Supt Johnny Tates; Daniels; Timothy Jones; wjbillops2013@gmail.com; Harold Davis; Supt. Harry Allen; Elder Jerry Riggins; Van Johnson; jameswright41@aol.com; Supt. James Elmore; nujuminista@hotmail.com; connor_insurance@msn.com; Revduplessis@hotmail.com; bishoplwooten@sbcglobal.net; lauren manne; wjbillups2013@gmail.com; mildredlinzy@verizon.net; lpastorll@aol.com; Supt. Albert Jackson; bishopdwightgreen@yahoo.com; Enoch Perry, III; galexan916@aol.com
Dear Bishop Porter:
I just was informed that you didn’t even think enough of that work to show up. Why send a letter out or post it on their website inviting the people only not to show up. Bishop Porter, are you aware that to my understanding the State Supervisor and other officials have not resigned as of yet? Is this true? If it is, can’t you see what a bunch of confusion you have orchestrated due to poor judgement and dishonesty?
Bishop Blake appointed Pastor Carter to a 90 day interim pastorate. You are defying that. The Board of Bishops had a chance to end this with a little integrity during the Women’s Convention and then again in AIM, they threw Bishop Kyles out, GUNS in the room and all. Sir, I predict that many people are going to agree that we are in need of much reform and Resignations should be DEMANDED. Blaming Bishop Blake is not going to be acceptable. His office wrote a letter confirming that the General Board sent YOU to Houston. So, this is YOUR TRAIN WRECK. The Board of Bishops treated Bishop Kyles worse than the State of California treated Charles Manson and he is a mass murderer. So, at the end of the day, this TRAIN WRECK is now the responsibility of THE BOARD OF BISHOPS and YOU SIR.
I think you would be wise to get with them to see how you can clean this up as it is only going to get worse I predict the longer you let the wreckage stay on the TRACKS! Just a suggestion!
Let’s speak soon, I need to run some things by you as I am so disappointed in you right now. But I yet love you that is why I am going to challenge you to get things right. For your SOUL sake and for the sake of the abused saints your feckless leadership is causing among them poor saints there in the Houston Texas Area.
Please let me know when you have had enough. I will be more than happy to help you get things right! Pride is a bad thing. Bishop Porter, the PIG has the FORK in it already. It’s done, no in fact it’s BURNT! You don’t see it yet, but soon the country is going to tell you! Again, you and the Board of Bishops really should be ashamed of yourselves for abusing these people like this as a result of trying to destroy one brother to basically “steal his work” for the benefit of others. Not in the best interest of the SAINTS, because if that were true, NONE OF THIS CONFUSION WOULD NOW BE GOING ON! I welcome a sit down with ANYONE of you who can with a straight face “deny” the truthfulness of everything I have written.
Have we no shame? Have we no decency? Again, have the state officials of Texas Southeast 1rst Jurisdiction resigned their positions yet? Can’t you see why there is so much confusion?
Moses Tyson, Jr
From: Moses Tyson Jr
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 7:28 PM
To: bbporter@bellsouth.net
Cc: bishoprljones@comcast.net; bishopcemilton@gmail.com; kurt_thompson@msn.com; lfthuston@gmail.com; maynard202@comcast.net; bishop wells; pabrooks@prodigy.net; pastorjwm@aol.com; kurk_thompson@msn.com; sarge1969@gmail.com; carlunity@aol.com; cicarter@sbcglobal.net; markways@aol.com; Bishop Drew Sheard; watty67@yahoo.com; cewatson@foulston.com; Joel Lyles; rlhenn@aol.com; Dorothy Brice; Doris F. Scott; Rosilind Meeks; Cari Barnes; bishop campbell; bishopbaker2nd@aol.com; bishopdrm@yahoo.com; bishopllshaw2671@gmail.com; RON STIDHAM; shelia tyson; ERIC McADAMS; alexander.e.bernard@gmail.com; hl5928@sbcglobal.net; Darrell L. Hines 2 & Pamela Hines Co-fou Nder Milwaukee WI 5; Norman White; Supt Johnny Tates; Daniels; Timothy Jones; wjbillops2013@gmail.com; Harold Davis; Supt. Harry Allen; Elder Jerry Riggins; Van Johnson; jameswright41@aol.com; Supt. James Elmore; nujuminista@hotmail.com; connor_insurance@msn.com; Revduplessis@hotmail.com; bishoplwooten@sbcglobal.net; lauren manne; wjbillups2013@gmail.com; mildredlinzy@verizon.net; lpastorll@aol.com; Supt. Albert Jackson; bishopdwightgreen@yahoo.com; Enoch Perry, III; galexan916@aol.com
Dear Bishop Porter:
Greetings: Bishop Porter I am getting calls from Houston Texas. Sir, I am trying to enjoy a quiet evening, but I am being told that Bishop Kurt Thompson is denying access to people in the Jurisdiction? Sir, you letter did not say pastors only.
I think you would have been wise to just have a real business meeting with the Jurisdiction at large as sir, I am telling you there is much unrest and distrust among the people there.
You have people in various churches asking that if Bishop Kyles is restored as Bishop can they go back home as they haven’t had the opportunity to have a secret ballot vote? Bottom line, BISHOP PORTER, THIS IS A TRAIN WRECK. Also, you have colleagues who are whispering it behind your back. They may had told you, but I AM TELLING YOU.
Hopefully, you will get there soon as THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU SIR, Not Bishop Thompson, YOU! I pray all goes well as this is a pitiful situation.
One more thing, Deacon McAdams and others want to speak to you about Pastor Carter’s interim provisional appointment as pastor. I understand you have denied Pastor Carter the opportunity to preach there for several Sundays now, and that Bishop Thompson is back preaching. YOU AND HIM both are wrong to try and undermine Pastor Carter this way. Furthermore, Bishop Blake’s letter is clear. Just know Bishop Porter, that WE are going to challenge any attempt to undermine the wishes of the people that have been spoken. You do not own the church. The church is a non profit organization and it’s members have rights. YOU and all of YOU who think you can continue to BOSS the people around without consequence is going to learn that FACT very soon. It’s ridiculous. Like I have said, I have no ax to grind with Bishop Thompson, but he has been rejected more than once. He should at least have the INTEGRITY to allow Pastor Carter’s interim appointment to be respected. I will tell him that, because it’s WRONG!
All of this is RIDICULOUS and frankly sir, you should RESIGN! You are not ready for PRIME TIME in my opinion and I think that will be the opinion of many others as this story continue to get out!
Moses Tyson, Jr
From: Moses Tyson Jr
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 6:46 AM
To: bbporter@bellsouth.net
Cc: bishoprljones@comcast.net; bishopcemilton@gmail.com; kurt_thompson@msn.com; lfthuston@gmail.com; maynard202@comcast.net; bishop wells; pabrooks@prodigy.net; pastorjwm@aol.com; kurk_thompson@msn.com; sarge1969@gmail.com; carlunity@aol.com; cicarter@sbcglobal.net; markways@aol.com; Bishop Drew Sheard; watty67@yahoo.com; cewatson@foulston.com; Joel Lyles; rlhenn@aol.com; Dorothy Brice; Doris F. Scott; Rosilind Meeks; Cari Barnes; bishop campbell; bishopbaker2nd@aol.com; bishopdrm@yahoo.com; bishopllshaw2671@gmail.com; RON STIDHAM; shelia tyson; ERIC McADAMS; alexander.e.bernard@gmail.com; hl5928@sbcglobal.net; Darrell L. Hines 2 & Pamela Hines Co-fou Nder Milwaukee WI 5; Norman White; Supt Johnny Tates; Daniels; Timothy Jones; wjbillops2013@gmail.com; Harold Davis; Supt. Harry Allen; Elder Jerry Riggins; Van Johnson; jameswright41@aol.com; Supt. James Elmore; nujuminista@hotmail.com; connor_insurance@msn.com; Revduplessis@hotmail.com; bishoplwooten@sbcglobal.net; lauren manne; wjbillups2013@gmail.com; mildredlinzy@verizon.net; lpastorll@aol.com; Supt. Albert Jackson; bishopdwightgreen@yahoo.com; Enoch Perry, III; galexan916@aol.com
Dear Bishop Porter:
I forgot to put you in this email thread. Please accept my apologies. Frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself for how you have treated the people at Williams Temple and also participated in trying to DESTROY Bishop Kyles. I welcome the opportunity to sit with you in front of any body of people and prove everything I have said to you. I love you, but YOU are wrong and many of those I have looked up to for many years have proven to be “jelly back, dishonest men” also. I will provide you with a list of names at the appropriate time. People like my mom and many others are in need of serious “leaders” who are sincere about their plight when credential holders abuse them. I wrote the below letter to Supt. Alexander regarding the meeting you are convening on Monday Night. What a “FARCE”! Bishop Ford, Bishop Owens, Bishop Patterson and your father would BACK my positions. WE BOTH KNOW THAT!
Let’s get together soon and break some bread! We need to discuss a FEW THINGS!
P. S. If you can think of some questions I may have missed please let me know!
From: Moses Tyson Jr
Sent: Friday, August 4, 2017 6:30 AM
To: galexan916@aol.com
Cc: bishoprljones@comcast.net; bishopcemilton@gmail.com; kurt_thompson@msn.com; lfthuston@gmail.com; maynard202@comcast.net; bishop wells; pabrooks@prodigy.net; pastorjwm@aol.com; kurk_thompson@msn.com; sarge1969@gmail.com; carlunity@aol.com; cicarter@sbcglobal.net; markways@aol.com; Bishop Drew Sheard; watty67@yahoo.com; cewatson@foulston.com; Joel Lyles; rlhenn@aol.com; Dorothy Brice; Doris F. Scott; Rosilind Meeks; Cari Barnes; bishop campbell; bishopbaker2nd@aol.com; bishopdrm@yahoo.com; bishopllshaw2671@gmail.com; RON STIDHAM; shelia tyson; ERIC McADAMS; alexander.e.bernard@gmail.com; hl5928@sbcglobal.net; Darrell L. Hines 2 & Pamela Hines Co-fou Nder Milwaukee WI 5; Norman White; Supt Johnny Tates; Daniels; Timothy Jones; wjbillops2013@gmail.com; Harold Davis; Supt. Harry Allen; Elder Jerry Riggins; Van Johnson; jameswright41@aol.com; Supt. James Elmore; nujuminista@hotmail.com; connor_insurance@msn.com; Revduplessis@hotmail.com; bishoplwooten@sbcglobal.net; lauren manne; Moses Tyson Jr; wjbillups2013@gmail.com; mildredlinzy@verizon.net; lpastorll@aol.com; Supt. Albert Jackson; bishopdwightgreen@yahoo.com; Enoch Perry, III
Dear Supt. Alexander:
Greetings: In regard to the meeting you referenced in your email to me on yesterday Bishop Porter is scheduled to have with South East 1rst Jurisdiction on Monday Night, below are some of the questions I would ask. Of course, knowing him it’s gonna probably be a “PIGEON DROP STYLED MEETING”. I wish I were able to attend. I will explain later. Anyway, read the book of questions below!!!!!!!!!!!
I urge you to go because its going to be a “HISTORICAL” event. You are going to see some “JIVE” at it’s best! I would love to address Bishop Porter and the entire Jurisdiction together someday so that they could understand how bad some of them have indeed been “BAMBOOZLED”! Of course, I know all of this writing is just a journey into “fantasy land” but we deserve to imagine don’t we?
Get in the Microphone if you can sir and ask him the following questions: Bishop Porter Sir:
When Bishop Kyles is restored back into his position as Bishop how long will the process take?
Why was Bishop Kyles removed as local pastor since the Judiciary Board “expressly” ruled that he was not to be, as there were no charges against him as Local Pastor, filed by the local membership?
If you and the National Leadership are defying the Judiciary Board’s ruling (pertaining to Bishop Kyle’s illegal removal as pastor) and using the 2002 Resolution concerning the General Board having that authority in spite of fact that the Judiciary Board’s Authority and Agreement of such as witnessed in a document signed by Presiding Bishop Blake and others, of “IT’S” decisions being final and untouchable, DO WE HAVE ANY OTHER BISHOPS WITH CHILDREN OUT OF WEDLOCK WHO HAVE NOT BEEN SUSPENDED AND OR CREDENTIALS TAKEN AWAY?
Have their local churches been taken away? Have their income been taken away?
If you were to be interim Bishop during Bishop Kyle’s suspension why did you dismantle Texas Southeast 1rst Jurisdiction prior to a final resolution to his matter? Is his matter up for appeal with the Judiciary Board at this time?
What was the emergency to deny Texas Southeast it’s 45th Convocation & Annual AIM Conference as the first registration form represented? Whose decision was it to have the 2 conferences prior to the scheduled annual convocation and Aim Convention?
Did the State Officials of Texas Southeast # 1 Jurisdiction resign their positions?
If not, wouldn’t it have been proper to do so prior to their conferences convening?
Why were there 2 Registration Forms?
Why didn’t you give any instruction as it related to the 45th Annual Convocation and Aim Convention being canceled?
Would you want anyone to treat your Jurisdiction this way?
Do Mother Lewis and the National Women’s department now recognize State Supervisors serving dual roles, as Supervisor of Women in one Jurisdiction and Director of Women in a “Proposed” Jurisdiction?
Is it not a fact that a Jurisdiction that is proposed to be such, must “INDEED” be “AFFIRMED” by the General Assembly before it becomes an official Jurisdiction?
If indeed Bishop Kyles was re-instated is it not a fact that at such time the local memberships have the constitutional right to have a secret ballot vote with him or his (representative present), a date set up by the National General Secretary no less than 30 days notice prior to such vote taking place, to affirm that “indeed” the local membership truly would desire to leave after such new Jurisdictions were “AFFIRMED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY?
What percentage of the membership must vote in order for the local church transfer to become legal? Just curious, as when Bishop Kyles is restored any local church can go back to home at anytime requesting such a vote be taken?
Are you making sure that local membership know their rights as to pertain to jurisdictional transfers?
How much money is in the Texas Southeast 1rst Jurisdiction, various treasures?
Can you make available a full financial report for the past 3 years for review of all monies raised and spent? Of course you know being that the Jurisdiction operates as a non profit, the members have a LEGAL right to such information?
How long will it take to facilitate the request?
Do you know it is illegal to use funds raised for one non profit organization to support another, without following serious guidelines?
If indeed monies were used inappropriately in anyway, would a lawsuit have to be filed against those who may have done such, in order to be forced to make the individual(s) return such? (if indeed this may have happened)?
What happens if for any reason the General Assembly “DENY” the affirmation of the 2 additional new proposed Jurisdictions by the Presiding Bishop and the General Board?
Supt. Alexander sir, given the deception and trickery that I know personally that is going on among some of the “elected Officials” related to this matter and other matters, these are some more serious & personal questions I would ask Bishop Porter, especially when Bishop Kyles go downtown to court to get his church back. Since Bishop Porter chose to be the “water boy” in this “FARCE” and dish out this “bowl of deceptive “STEW”, I would ask him the following questions and also allow him to ask me ANY QUESTIONS: I WOULD ANSWER THEM ALL. A REAL LEADER OF INTEGRITY DO NOT DUCK AND HIDE: Read below:
Bishop Porter sir, do you believe that God fearing Ministers of the Gospel should engage in “LYING”?
Should they engage in calling people “dumb sheep”? Should they undermine people?
Do you believe that God fearing Ministers who have done much worse than the things Bishop Kyle’s have been accused of doing, sit in a position to try and destroy him when (some in the number) reportedly have (BABIES) out of wedlock themselves?
Do you know any other credential holding local pastors, bishops, or other officials who you know have out of wedlock babies, who yet have their credentials and or yet function in their current positions?
Do you believe that the people are entitled to financial reports as the law prescribe under the Guide Lines of how non profit organizations are to be governed?
Do you provide such information to your local church? Your Jurisdiction?
If Williams Temple had a big debt on it would the National Church be spending so much time playing with the saints there and denying the final appointment of Pastor Carter, who is the desired leader of the majority of the membership?
Why are you ignoring Deacon Jones and his fellow victims begging for help to get back in their local church in San Francisco Ca?
Do you believe it is right to try and “STARVE” a fellow christian brother by “illegally taking his income” while he is under suspension? Are you currently engaging in such ungodly behavior right now?
Do you believe it is only right if indeed the organization is going to try and “DESTROY” one brother for inappropriate behavior, other’s should be investigated if appropriate and the same rules apply?
Do you believe we should have double standards?
Do you believe elected Officials Should have to be transparent if they are going to destroy another man’s ministry?
Do you believe that if an elected official is going to try and destroy a fellow brother that person should be subjected to the same scrutiny?
Can you get Bishop Lyles to refund Bishop Kyles back his $1850 for over charging him for his registration? He has went underground and won’t respond to anymore request for payment?
Bishop Porter sir, do YOU have a BABY out of wedlock? Of course, I don’t “KNOW”, but that is a question that should be and must be asked to all of those who have engaged in the demonic effort to DESTROY a fellow brother who has been accused of much less and paid a “fair and just” price for his lack in judgment. It will be asked of you sir especially in the “real court of law”. Not the Kangaroo Court that the Board of Bishops operates.
Do you know any credential holders involved in “same sex” relationships?
Are you aware of a charges that were filed against another one of your colleagues that the Board of Bishop basically threw in the Garbage can?
Are you aware that there was a picture of a reproductive organ in such files?
Do you believe that God is going to allow his people to be bamboozled by you and others much longer without serious consequences?
If Bishop Kyles is indeed forced to take the Organization to court, as his rights has been violated by you and others, as a result of you defying the Judiciary Board’s ruling concerning his local church, using that 2002 General Board’s mis-applied resolution, and you personally took over his church, in this current matter that it would only be fair for YOU and some of your colleagues to be asked some of these questions and others under oath?
Again Bishop Porter sir, Do YOU know of any other “credential holding pastors” with children out of wedlock who are yet in their pulpits? Did you take away their credentials?
Do you know of any other “PASTORS” who have admitted to affairs having with other women whose credentials were never taken away, let alone their local churches?
Is the ruling against Bishop Kyles, consistent with other recent rulings “handed down by the National Leadership”dealing in such areas?
Do you really think God is pleased with the way you ‘mis-handled” this entire situation?
Would you protest another brother in your Jurisdiction trying to start a fellowship?
Do you believe in “repenting”?
Why won’t you have a “come to Jesus” meeting with your brother?
My last questions to Bishop Porter would be this?
However, that’s my opinion. I regret the Board of Bishops, dropped the ball in May and refused to do the honorable thing and lift the suspension. Bishop Kyles has paid a hefty price. Especially, compared to some of Bishop Porter’s friends and some of the “CRONIES” in the Board of Bishops who frankly should go to prison in my opinion. At least based upon my personal understanding of some of certain individual abusive and ungodly mis-conduct! Have we no shame left? Have we no decency? Anyway, the “truth” will prevail! Let me know how the meeting goes Supt Alexander and please let Bishop Porter know, I would be honored to sit with HIM and all of you and PROVE he is dishonest, as well as with the Top Management of the Board of Bishops to do the same. I love all involved, but enough is enough. I am not perfect and I welcome a face to face “scrutiny”, should anyone ever get enough nerves, BY ANY ELECTED OFFICIAL! Our people deserve much better than they are getting right now from our Leadership in my opinion, based on documented evidence and physical witnesses. Bless you sir and I look forward to coming to Houston soon!
Moses Tyson, Jr
P. S. If I think of anymore questions I will of course send them over to you! Please keep my MOTHER in your prayers. As you know she is the victim of abuse herself. The Board of Bishops REFUSED to help her also they wouldn’t even hear the case as the defendant said “they would never do anything to him”, he was right! In fact, he presided over the day his case came up! So I know the “wickedness” that sadly some of our elected officials are engaging in at the “highest levels” of our church right now! So Sad! Just pitiful! That’s why after they THREW Bishop Kyles physically out of the meeting in AIM, I KNOW CHANGE IS NEEDED!
