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Read my notes below:
Prince Bryant cut off said that the church must maintain their brand
Charles Brown bishop for 15 years doctrine Pr ot thing today premature past and t future
I come to be a servant asked who he was running against trying to out rune the bear but the man that as also running as well.
Want to be the voice for the underdog
Charles Conner running and is currently on the judicatory Board and on the Publishing House board, skills as a from er commercial
Ron Gidson he has the gift and skill to represent this generation quoted to much scripture but nothing about his qualifications Sovereign principles for leadership dealt with Earl Carter pitiful
David Allen Hall 35 publishing house gave the responsibilities of a bishop, grows soybean
Bring convocation back to Memphis Muslin, Jews, Latter Day, we should not leave Memphis
Giles Hardy the COGIC needs a national credit union
Micheal Hill talked about Starbucks but he have to embrace the new generation how are we (COGIC) going to reach the new generation
Loran Mann did a spelling bee, every house needs a Mann had good ideas for the church to have a XM station and a COGIC television station
Willie Matheney trying to do a vacation package for the saints in Orlando
Charles McClelland serve the church since he had been saved serve your way up and fight your way down
Micheal Paden his platform running for a seat but does not have a platform, started a church in 1988, lives in Georgia metro fellowship 2013 he was approved
Christian Education program for the church
Matthew Williams Adjutant General, 1800 seat, church grown the church and jurisdiction, bishop for 19 years 27 to 60 church’s, has a tithing system credential holders do not have to pay reports, he gets a salary and all leaders get a stipen he is BMW (Bishop Matthew Williams)
Darrell Hines he was struck by lightning heart stopped beating for over 45 minutes, growth 200%, education program, global evangelism, his work has prepared him for the General Board, Clean living,
Current General Board Members
Lawrence Wooten serves and pastor and bishop and the gifts are in operation in his church, ex Gang Banger and the Lord saved him, worked in Georgia after HENDERSON Spivey died, Ph.D. Visionary leader, working together, help all pastors, a plan presented to the Board Of Bishops that has raised $300,000 in their treasury, global ministry Uganda East Africa $8,000 to Uganda every quarter, Wooten had to wait 10 days for the Holy Ghost
Ted Thomas thanks for serving for the 4 years, three important values to be a good leader character, wisdom, and experience has the wisdom to bring peace to confusion
J. Drew SHEARD married son of the church, church grown over 15 church, secure leaders grow leaders, 15 to 50, youth department leader, AIM chairman, be open and honest and demonstrate it in their lifestyle, no financial scandals, has been fair, bridge builder, fair to women in ministry, never forget our heritage while progressing, leaders should be an example, church at its finest hour, will continue to be a team player, fight for righteousness
Presiding Bishop
Charles Edward Blake called to preach in 1957, pastor from 50 member to 25,000 at West A, 1500 people in one year. Church would be lined up for 2 blocks with 4 morning services, heard gun shots outside his office, man shot a gun and the dining hall door out, he collapsed as he tired to enter the courtyard, he got a Holy Ghost slap down, 65 million church, raised 35 million down to 14 million, Save Africa’s Children, Denzel Washington gave 2 million dollars, fighting for salvation and righteousness in a violent and ill moral world, living in a ill moral isunoma
He did not inherit the office but was elected 800,000 in debt had to borrow the money in one year paid it back and operated in the black 7 million to 10 million, 1 million given by the publishing house, have a talk wil people he appoint, love Memphis it is our home and our Zion, remodeling and gave $100,000 and another $100,000, come want to go back but have not given at all to go back, Lee building and Lela Mason building, the Convocation has been revolutionize been on the board since 1988, vendor had never given a report, now more $2 million, $1.25 million on hotel commission, over 1 million of net revenue after convocation, building homes on the property in Memphis, the city of Memphis has given $4 million to developing housing, it will be the joy of his life to go back to a Memphis that appreciates the Church Of God In Christ, honor and privilege for the 9 years, continue the educational programs with on-line, schools without walls, enhance the programs, insurance and pension programs so the widows will not go without in the untimely death of a spouse, been the victim of a diabolical attack, the lord has a way to make up for the attack, new level, new devil, I hope I have been an example of how to behave when you are lied on, I do not feel no ways tired, I see you in the future and you look much better then you do now!