Bishop Q.C Simmons Homecoming Service will be Friday, January 15, 2016 at Acts Full Gospel Church Of God In Christ in Oakland, California.
Born November 23, 1930 to Missionary Agnes Simmons and Elder Marshall Simmons.
Saved during a revival ran in Berkeley, CA by his father Elder Marshall Simmons in 1947 when he was 17 years old.
Ordained into the ministry by Bishop E.E. Cleveland of Ephesians Church of God in Christ
Preached the Gospel for over 60 years.
Pastor of his first church in Earlimont, CA
Pastor of Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Sacramento, CA for 14 years.
Founder of Agnes Memorial Church of God in Christ of Oakland, CA in 1970
Founder of Marshal Memorial Church of God in Christ.
Ministered in Oakland, CA for over 40 years.
Known as the original “Pew Walking” preacher.
Crossed denominational barriers by becoming the 1st Bishop of the Bay Area Baptist Ministers Union.
Believed that the saving of souls was serious business and not a sideline
Lived a life of benevolence. Supporting other preachers and pastors in need spiritually and financially.
Father is the gospel to countless preachers, pastors, missionaries, elders, ministers, musicians, and singer.
Beloved and devoted sibling, husband, father, and grandfather.